Provence Lavender Dollhouse Day 19

This arched wall needed wallpapering today.

Also an L shaped wall needed special wallpapering. This wall appears like it will be half inside the dollhouse and half out. Pay close attention to the instruction photos. You don't want to wallpaper the wrong sides because the opposite side uses another wallpaper print.

Two more walls have to be wallpapered in special ways as well. Notice how all these walls go together.

I know that in a traditional dollhouse assembly, all of these walls would have been assembled before wallpapering, so you can turn the wallpaper along the corners, but I don't recommend you try that with these assemblies. These are not tab and slot dollhouse assemblies, nor are they exactly cabinet grade assemblies. They are different from them both, though there are some similarities.

The wallpaper that is included in these kits, will not give you leeway to turn corners. They are cut to exact measurements, so you have to wallpaper as the instructions indicate.